Kintama Research findings presented at AFEP forum

Kintama’s Research Manager, Dr. Erin Rechisky, attended the Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program (AFEP) forum on December 1, 2011 and presented Kintama’s work in the Columbia River and along the West Coast of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.  The talk, “2011 COAST Study: Estuarine and Early Marine Survival and Movements of Yearling Chinook Salmon“, reported the Chinook smolt distribution on the coastal array, as well as survival rates, travel time of the fish, and visualizations.

The Anadromous Fish Evaluation Program (AFEP) forum is held each year by the US Army Corps of Engineers.  The main purpose of AFEP is to produce scientific information to assist the Corps in making informed engineering, design, and operational decisions for the eight mainstem Columbia and Snake River projects in order to provide safe, efficient passage through the mainstem migration corridor.