Awards and Recognition

Prix de Distinction

Fisheries & Oceans Canada, “For outstanding scientific contributions related to national and international climate change research”.

Invited Keynote Lecture: MTS/IEEE Oceans 2007 Conference

“Technological Innovation in Marine Science: The role of the Pacific Ocean Salmon Tracking Array (POST) in Changing Fisheries Management and Marine Research”.   

Major technology partner – OTN

Major techonlogy partner, research team that secured the $45M Canadian Foundation for Innovation and National Sciences and Engineering Research Council award for the globalization of POST, termed the “Ocean Tracking Network”.   

Nominee, Frontiers in Research Award

Science Council of British Columbia.

Invited Lecture: Acoustical Society of America Annual General Meeting

 “Initial Results from the Pacific Ocean Shelf Tracking System (POST): A Permanent Continental-Scale Acoustic Tracking Array for Fisheries Research”.

Invited Lecture: Alaska Marine Science Symposium

“POST — A Permanent Continental-Scale Acoustic Tracking Array for Marine Fisheries Research: The Goal & Some Initial Results”.

Invited Lecture: Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture, University of California, Davis

“Global climate change effects on anadromous fishes”. 

Invited Plenary Address: Marine Sciences in the Northeast Pacific: Science for Resource Dependent Communities

“Monitoring changes in fisheries production: Using vessels of opportunity”.

Nominee, Pew Award for Marine Conservation

Nominated by the American Fisheries Society.

Best Paper Award

American Fisheries Society Idaho Chapter Annual Meeting.  For: Ocean Climate Effects on Pacific Salmon